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Europameisterschaften 2013 in Herning fast ausverkauft PDF Drucken E-Mail
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Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013 um 19:54


Herning/ Dänemark. Die anstehenden Europameistrschaften der Senioren im dänischen Herning (20. bis 25. August) in Springen, Dressur und Para-Dressur sind schon fast ausverkauft. Das meldet der Veranstalter.



The interest for tickets to the ECCO FEI European Championships in Herning is enormous, from Denmark as well as abroad.

"It has been amazing to experience that we already half a year before the competitions start are sold out of the top category 1 tickets on Sunday, and of the best Partout Passes. We had hoped for this scenario, but not dared to believe in it before now, "says Jens Trabjerg, Show President of the European-Herning.

Partout Passes for the dressage competitions are sold out and the same almost goes for the passes for jumping. There are still single tickets to purchase for all the competitions, but sales are going very well at the moment.

ECCO FEI European Championships will be represented at the major trade fair in connection with the Danish Warmblood National Stallion Show in MCH Exhibition Centre Herning from 6 – 10 March, and it is expected that there will be substantial interest in buying tickets at the EC-stand at the fair.



The time schedule is now ready for ECCO FEI European Championships 2013. MCH Arena is the main arena, where all championship classes in dressage and show jumping will be settled. This arena can accommodate 10,000 spectators. MCH Arena is on a daily basis the setting for the local football team, playing in the best Danish league and therefore, the arena offers all possible facilities to the public, VIP guests and press.

Next to the large stadium another arena is built – JYSK arena will be surrounded by grandstands and tents for VIP guests, and it is in this arena that the European Championships in Para-Dressage and several of the international jumping classes will be held.

The showjumping riders are the first to start competing at the European Championship competition with their speed class held Tuesday afternoon. The first medals are awarded Thursday afternoon in the team dressage competition and Thursday evening in team showjumping competition.

The individual medals in showjumping and team medals in para-dressage are awarded Saturday. Dressage riders compete for the medals in the Grand Prix Special on Friday and the European Championships culminates with freestyle competitions in dressage and para-dressage Sunday.

Saturday evening, the organizers are in the process of planning a terrific gala show followed by a gala party.

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