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Ab 2020 Verden wieder Bühne für WM Junge Dressur-Pferde PDF Drucken E-Mail
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Sonntag, 16. April 2017 um 10:23

Ermelo/ Niederlande. Die Weltmeisterschaften junger Dressurpferde werden bis 2019 im niederländischen Ermelo organisiert. Das wurde vom Weltverband FEI bestätigt. 2020 kehrt die Talentschau junger Dressur-Cracks nach Verden zurück, wo die WM vor Ermelo veranstaltet wurde.



The FEI just announced that the Longines / FEI WBFSH World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses of 2019 mayalsobeorganised in Ermelo. The FEI has disclosed the locations for 2019 and 2020: in response to the bid bythe World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses Foundation they have decided to assignthe 2019 event to the Netherlands, in 2020 the World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses will beorganised in Verden, Germany.

For years, theGermancityVerdenformedthe basis of the World Championships. The organisationdevelopedthe event into a truecrowd-puller. From 28 to 31 July 2016 theworldchampionshipscame back tothe Netherlands, forthe first time afternearly 20 years in Germany. Thousands of visitorstravelledacrossthe globe toenjoytheyoungdressagetalents at the National Equestrian Centre in Ermelo.

“In 2015 we werevery happy that the organisation of the World Breeding Dressage Championships was assigned to the KWPN studbook and the KNHS federation and that we were given the opportunity toorganisetheworldchampionships in the Netherlands.


The first edition was highly success ful so the organisation quickly agreed we wanted to be in the race for a sequelafter 2018. Our ‘competition’ was Verden, so we are looking forward to organise an additional edition of this incredible event here in Ermelo,” says Joris Kemperman on behalf of theorganisation.

Chairman of the board Aat Both: “We understand the decision of the FEI to let this event rotateand we are pleased we may organise the 2019 World Breeding Dressage Championships. We will do everything withinour power to make the World Breeding Dressage Championships of the coming three years a tremendoussuccess. We would like to congratulate the organisation in Verden that the World Breeding Dressage Championships of 2020 will be held there and wish them the best of luck with the organisation of it.”


This year’sLongines FEI/WBFSH World Breeding Dressage Championships for Young Horses takes place in Ermelo fromthe 3rd to the 6th of August. More information canbe found on the website


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